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Dredd 3D

Dredd 3D:  Girl-Power
Its another Dredd film and its just another day. I went into this film thinking it would be nothing short of crap. It's been a long time I went to the movies, so maybe I just enjoyed going out with friends or maybe it was just a okay film.
Is it good? No
Is it bad? Nope
The issue with the film is constant. So the whole time I watched the film I kept thinking of these issues...
The size of Dredd's helmet.
Why is Anderson the better character?
Ma-Ma could be a good villain but it is missing something?
The drug in the film
The slow mo scenes
Lets start with the helmet. It was too big on Dredd. The problem is Karl Urban's head isn't big enough for the helmet and so the helmet on his head just looked odd and bad. It just doesn't work for me. I say cut the difference and make the helmet a bit smaller that way his head looks on par with other male judges or if anything, a bit bigger.
Next is Anderson. She owed that film. Stole every scene and yes caused some plot holes. She is a mutant with psychic powers. She can read peoples minds. So why in one scene does the guy they arrested escape from the handcuffs and take her gun as well as her hostage? Everyone I went with had a problem with that scene too, so it's not just me.
Ma-Ma. Sure she is a kickass villain  The actress they got, I love her acting i.e. Terminator and Game of Thrones, but that damn stupid costume. The whole damn time I kept thinking she should have something like a oversized pea coat or really anything interesting  The costume should scream badass gang leader, not gang leader who wears her sisters hammy downs (slang for " hand me downs" where I'm from ;)
The drug is stupid, there I said it. Nothing like seeing badass gang members sucking on a inhaler. Man everyone has asthma in Mega City 1? That sucks :0
The slow mo. Too much of a good thing can be bad. The slow mo looked good, for a sec, not the 20 mins it played. Another issue everyone I went with said those scenes went way too long.
What did I like?
Mega City 1 looked neat, right?
The sound (shitty theater, surprised with the awesome sound thou)
Anderson again?
Karl did a okay job as Dredd, but his body size just didn't work for me.
Listen Im not a Dredd fan, but I did enjoy watching the film even though it wasn't that good, but I won't go buy a DVD because my enjoyment came and went. I guess wait till its on TV and its raining out, hey it might not be good but its 100% better then Underworld: Awakening