Rant Corner (Ep.4) - Drunk Edition - "Arrow S3 and Hiatuses" or: Shut up Laurel Lance! Shut that Piehole or I'll shut it for you!

It's Sunday Funday! and I'm Pissed!

Let me first say, I Love Arrow!

But this has been the weakest season yet. It's been bloated and the story doesn't feel as tight like past seasons. It's true it is getting better but there is a lot that I have to get off my chest like I did a couple podcasts ago. Problem is I had some left inside of me since I couldn't get everything out on the Simplistic Reviews Podcast #38

So this is Rant Corner 4. Grabbed a beer and lets talk about what I would change and what is pissing me off!


Slaughter Film Presents: Action Movie Time Machine - Double Team


Rant Corner (Ep.3) - "Siracha 2go" or: Why do people think they need more then just keys on their keychain!